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Dance talk

/Ashley D. Merritt


☻During my final semester at UT-Dallas, I had opportunities to enrich my creativity through performing art and digital/ web art. As an Art and Performance Major, at times I felt slightly out of my element in my Arts and Technology class; "Art and Internet Culture" taught by Morehshin Allahyari. However, I was encouraged and inspired to blend my style of dance performance with engaging new formats of web art.


Dance style is a form of self-identity. Your movement, how you move, what technique/style you use can tell other dancers where you came from, what you like, where your  inspiration comes from, where and with whom you studied with, or even what neighborhood you came from. "Dance Talk" is a thing. No matter the scene or what music is playing, if a dancer moves from within, no words are needed to communicate to another dancer what that person is about. There is an unspoken way of communicating your general style and energy towards life.


My project showcases both samples of my own style and a certain truth about the dance world in the digital age: the dancer of today is nearly obsessed with posting videos of their work with different edits or special effects and filters. Due to advances in technology, artists can control every aspect of their video performances frame by frame. This new take on dance performance has led to some of the most inspiring and innovative current dance films that have definitely influenced my creative self.

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